
Thank You

Thank you for visiting us at this weekend's gift market and for  your valuable interest in our products. Seeing so many of you has been so important and it shows that all our efforts and hard work are worth while. We are now looking forward to this holiday period to take a rest after the frenzy and stress of the past days but also to find fresh inspiration for new ideas and original products.

We wish all our custormers, fans and readers a
Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010!!!


It's Gift Market Again

Last weekend was a real success and for this reason we have decided to exhibit our handmade porcelain and ceramics next weekend for those of you who haven't finished their Christmas shopping yet or would simply like to pop by to have a look at our gift ideas.

Vist it us at 23 Via Porfirio di Tiro (Rome Axa)!
Saturday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm
Sunday 10:30 am - 6:30 pm

Other days and times can be booked at: tel 347 638 1070 - email: paola.devescovi@italianartanddesign:com

Here are some pictures of last weekend's gift market:





Reminder: Visit Us At This Gift Market

Hi, this is just to remind all those who like local gift markets not to miss this one on December 12-13 at "L'albero di terracotta" 53 Via Dante De Blasi, Rome.

Print out this post and take it with you to receive a 10% discount!

See you there!!!!


Don't Miss This

Christmas time, time to visit holiday and gift markets to find original and unique ideas for our Christmas presents.
Here is one you should not miss if you happen to be in Rome, organized by the association "L'Albero di Terracotta".

12-13 December 10:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m.
53 Via Dante De Blasi - Rome
06 6536499