
Ideas For Your Christmas Gifts: Essential Oil Diffuser

For the following month, I will post tips and ideas for your Christmas gifts, starting with this special offer for only € 12.90!!!!! You can’t miss that.

A nice porcelain essential oil diffuser with colorful hand-painted polka dots: a very nice and fancy present for a friend, a sister or for your daughter. You find it under the Small Gifts For Up to € 40 category at Italian Art & Design.
If you add a selection of essential oils, it becomes a very special gift. Essential oils can be diffused, but you can also add some drops in your bath water, massage some drops on your wet skin after a shower or a bath, or add some drops to your favorite body lotion to fully benefit from their properties.
Here is a list of some essential oils and their properties that could suit the lady who will receive this nice gift:

  • Basilicum oil. Tonic, refreshing, memory boosting and insectifuge. For headaches, insomnia, depression and nervous tension.
  • Cinnamon oil. Antiseptic and antibacterial. For diarrhea, dyspepsia, bad blood circulation and rheumatisms.
  • Eucalyptus oil. Antiseptic, analgesic, pesticide. For flu, cold, sinusitis, laryngitis, cough, coxalgia, neuralgia, rheumatisms and mental lucidity.
  • Geranium oil. Circulation tonic, anti-ageing, styptic, anti-cellulite, haemostatic and insectifuge. For stress, nervousness, urine retention, cellulites, haemorrhoids, greasy skin, menopause’s and gynecological problems.
  • Jasmine oil. Relaxing, calming and aphrodisiac. For headache, menstrual period, dejection and nervous fatigue.
  • Jasmine oil. Relaxing, calming and aphrodisiac. For headache, menstrual period, dejection and nervous fatigue.
  • Lavander oil. Analgesic, diuretic, styptic, refreshing, relaxing, and calming. For rheumatisms, muscle’s pain, colics, dyspepsia, depression, headaches, hypertension, insomnia, stress and skin diseases.
  • Lemon oil. Refreshing, stimulating, antimicrobial, febrifuge, diuretic, antitoxic, haemostatic and antiseptic. For rheumatisms, digestive and hepatic problems, greasy skin, arthritis, varicose veins, cellulites, obesity, brittle nails, flu, fever, sniffles and dyspepsia.
  • Melissa oil. Antispasmodic, refreshing and calming. For chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis, colics, menopause’s’ problems, stress, migraines, vertigo, insomnia, hysteria and erethism.
  • Orange oil. Calming, antispasmodic and anti-wrinkle. For skin care, obesity, fluid retention, obesity, constipation, nervous tension and stress.
  • Oregano oil. Antiseptic, deodorant, aphrodisiac, tonic, febrifuge, peptic and pesticide.
  • Pefitgrain oil. Antiseptic, deodorant, peptic and tonic. For acne, sudation, greasy skin and hair, dyspepsia, insomnia and nervous exhaustion.
  • Peppermint oil. Antiseptic, tonic and anti-inflammatory. For coxalgia, dyspepsia, sea sickness, fever, stress and migraine.
  • Rosemary oil. Corroborant, emmenagogue, tonic and antiseptic. For memory, and energy boosting, muscle’s pain, rheumatisms, bad circulation. One of the best tonic massage oils. It helps hair growing.
  • Sandalwood oil. Calming, anti-ageing and cardiotonic. Considered decongestant for vein and lymph.
  • Valerian oil. Soporific, hypotensive and calming. For insomnia, migraine, nervous dyspepsia and dandruff.
  • Ylang Ylang oil. Calming, antiseptic, aphrodisiac. For hypertension and skin diseases.
If you are interested in combining the oil diffuser with essential oils for your gifts, please contact us for the price and to arrange a special Christmas packaging.
Orders should placed by the end of November to ensure availability of essential oils.

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